PHOT - Photography |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge Areas听听(....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
PHOT 0100 Photography Portfolio Review (0)
Portfolio Review is required of all photography majors. All majors must pass Portfolio Review in order to qualify for an internship. Should be taken听after PHOT 1000, PHOT 2000 and 3 additional PHOT production credits.
PHOT 0200 Photo Program Monthly Meeting (0)
Once a month, majors in the photography program will meet as a group with faculty from the major to hear announcements and network with each other. Attendance is mandatory for all PHOT majors while they are enrolled in classes at the home campus.
PHOT 1000 Fundamentals of Photography (3)
This course covers basic concepts and practice of digital photography, including understanding and use of the camera, lenses, and other basic photographic equipment. The course will address aesthetic principles as they relate to composition, space, exposure, light and color. Technological requirements of digital formats will be addressed, such as formats and resolution. Basic digital manipulations of images will be taught in preparation for creating a photo portfolio of images. GCP Coding: (ARTS) (OCOM).
PHOT 1001 Intensive Introduction to Black & White Photography (1)
Students will be introduced to: basic camera operation using a 35-mm film camera, developing black and white film, and printing in the darkroom. This is a one-weekend class.听
PHOT 1010 Digital Basic Photography (3)
This course covers basic concepts and practice of digital photography, including understanding and use of the camera, lenses, and other basic photographic equipment. The course will address aesthetic principles as they relate to composition, space, exposure, light and color. Technological requirements of digital formats will be addressed, such as formats and resolution. Basic digital manipulations of images will be taught in preparation for creating a photo portfolio of images. This course may not count toward the BA in photography electives. GCP Coding: (ARTS) (OCOM).
PHOT 1500 Digital Imaging and Printing (3)
Students learn the theoretical and practical aspects of digital images and printing. Students develop a theoretical understanding of this technology and learn to apply these principles. Students learn to control, modify, and manipulate images for both corrective and creative purposes.
PHOT 2000 Photo II (3)
Continues development of photographic vision from PHOT 1000 Photo I as it moves the student into a digital environment.听The course will involve a听complete digital workflow, from capture with a DSLR camera to adjustment and correction in Photoshop to output for both print and web. Additional topics covered will include color theory, file format, color space and color management.听Prerequisite: PHOT 1000 or PHOT 1010 or equivalent course in basic darkroom photography.
PHOT 2040 History of Photography (3)
Traces the evolution of photography from the nineteenth into the twenty-first century. GCP Coding: (ARTS) (WCOM).
PHOT 2200 Lighting Techniques (3)
Cameras and lights are the primary artistic tools of the photographer and as such Lighting Techniques will focus heavily on the aesthetics of cameras and lighting in documentary, portrait, product, and narrative style environments.听
PHOT 2870 International Photojournalism (3)
Students learn the traditions of photojournalism, and use digital cameras to create photo stories. Major figures in international photojournalism are considered, and attention is paid to major themes. Previous photographic or computer experience is desirable, but not a prerequisite. (It is advisable to take PHOT 3190 prior to or concurrently with this course.)
PHOT 3100 Documentary Photography and Photojournalism (3)
Students will learn journalistic and documentary methods in photography. Practical assignments in nonfiction, newspaper, and magazine photography with critical analysis of how photographs produce outstanding news and feature stories and how photographs can uniquely tell the stories of real people, places and things. Prerequisite: PHOT 1000.
PHOT 3150 Topics in Photography (1-3)
These courses are offered periodically to feature topics in photography not covered by regularly offered courses. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: PHOT 1000.
PHOT 3180 Topics in Scientific Photography (3-6)
Specific topics are offered on a rotating basis. Topics have included macrophotography, introduction to ophthalmic photography, etc. May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisite: PHOT 2000.
PHOT 3500 StoryLab (3)
The 51小黄车 StoryLab is a unique opportunity for School of Communications students from every discipline to come together and work on storytelling projects, both of their own design as well as helping others realize their vision. Students can use this course to develop professional examples of work, do storytelling projects like films, podcasts, YouTube shows, advertising campaigns, investigative journalism, scripts, concept development for television shows, documentary photography and video, radio shows, and anything else you can imagine. Students will develop and pitch ideas, and work together across disciplines to complete projects from ideation though development and into production and implementation. StoryLab functions like an actual laboratory environment where the telling of compelling stories is the whole focus. May be repeated for credit as content differs. Prerequisite: PHOT 1000 and sophomore or higher status.听
PHOT 3599 Independent Study (1-12)
Independent study involves research work on a specialized subject or project, artistic work, or study of an interdisciplinary nature. In contrast to a practicum, the emphasis in an independent study is usually an individual pursuit of a specific content area. Requires the filing of听official form and permission of the instructor. May be repeated for credit if content differs.
PHOT 4610 Readings in Photography (3-6)
May be repeated for credit if content differs. Prerequisites: Media major, junior/senior standing, permission of the instructor and filing of official form.
PHOT 4620 Senior Overview (3-6)
Provides an opportunity for seniors to demonstrate their proficiency in a selected area of photography. The student assumes responsibility for the production of a project under the direction of a faculty member. Projects may include an exhibit or a thesis. Prerequisites: Senior standing, acceptance into the major through portfolio review, permission of the instructor and filing of official form.
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