SPTC - Sports Communication |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Undergraduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
Course Descriptions
Global Citizenship Program Knowledge Areas听听(....) |
ARTS | Arts Appreciation |
GLBL | Global Understanding |
PNW | Physical & Natural World |
QL | Quantitative Literacy |
ROC | Roots of Cultures |
SSHB | Social Systems & Human Behavior |
Global Citizenship Program Skill Areas (....) |
CRI | Critical Thinking |
ETH | Ethical Reasoning |
INTC | Intercultural Competence |
OCOM | Oral Communication |
WCOM | Written Communication |
** Course fulfills two skill areas |
SPTC 1800 Sports Communication (3)
This course provides an introduction to communication within sports contexts. Students explore the evolution and likely future of sports communication strategies and messages, along with how this communication is important within society. This includes examinations of communicating as media practitioners within sports contexts, as well as the culture of sport. GCP Coding: (SSHB) (OCOM).
SPTC 2000 Sports Announcing and Reporting (3)
Students will engage in the study and practice of sports messaging, including readings and resources that will lend insights into important aspects of the current landscape of sports communication. Student work will include a combination of speaking, writing, and production. Much of the course will include messaging that focuses on Webster University athletic teams and programs.
SPTC 2300 Youth Sports Culture (3)
The genesis of much of what we study and know about sports culture is grounded in youth sports. This course examines a range of subjects related to youth, family, and sport including but not limited to the family dynamic, sport and identity development, equity and access, coaching communication, scholastic and pay-to-play contexts, and officiating. The course seeks to draw connections between the culture of youth sports and its influence on individuals, families, communities, and the larger context of sports beyond high school. A combination of writing and speaking assignments that reflect on assigned readings and viewing of narratives will highlight the impact of youth sports on how we engage sports fandom, communication, and participation.
SPTC 2400 Culture of Sports and Society (3)
This course examines how culture and identity considerations contribute to an understanding of sports communication. Students will analyze sports messaging and contexts with a focus on demographic and sociological factors. Students will complete written and speaking assignments that reflect their understanding and analysis of the way sports cultures reflect the identities of fans, players and the social contexts connected to them.
SPTC 2500 Practicum in Sports Announcing (1-3)
This course provides students with opportunities to do play-by-play and color commentary for athletic contests in a variety of sports, with a concentration on 51小黄车 athletic competitions. This course may be repeated for credit, up to 12 hours of credit. A student may count three hours toward his/her sports communication major or minor. This course may be taken for one to three credit hours per term. Prerequisite: SPTC 2000.
SPTC 3150 Topics in Sports Communication (3)
Students will engage in the study of a particular aspect of sports communication not included within the sports communication curriculum. The course will include readings and other resources that will lend insights into important aspects of the current landscape of sports communication. Student work will include a combination of writing, speaking, and discussion. May be repeated for credit.
SPTC 3200 Communicating Baseball (3)
This course examines the various ways baseball is communicated within society. Topics ranging from literary and film depictions of the game, to the contemporary economic and political debates that surround the major leagues are included in the course. A variety of group and individual presentations, combined with class discussion and writing activities make up the exploration of the many issues germane to the rhetoric of baseball.听
SPTC 3600 Sports Analytics (3)
This course provides students with the ability to understand and communicate the analytics now being used in all sports. The different types of analytics and how they are used in the major sports will be explored. The course will include an emphasis on practical applications of analytics to allow students to practice communicating the data in their chosen medium. Prerequisite: SPTC 1800.
SPTC 3737 Communicating Sports and Business (3)
This course introduces students to the business of sports from the perspective of communicating that relationship. Students will explore a range of topics ranging from player contracts to stadium naming rights, and from NCAA policies to sports sponsorships. A combination of class discussion, presentation, writing and experiential activities will allow the student to have a broad understanding of the ways business relationships and considerations are essential elements within the messaging of sports.
SPTC 4600 Sports Media Strategies (3)
This course provides a study of sports messaging through the application of communication theories. Students will critique sports communication within a variety of contexts, examining communication strategies that shape how individuals understand and assess sports messages.听
SPTC 4610 Readings in Sports Communication (1-3)
Students will be part of a directed study of a specific area of sports communication. The course will feature individual or small group engagement with an instructor in an area not included within the existing sports communication curriculum. A contract signed by the instructor, student, program coordinator, and department chair will outline specific details for each section of this course.
SPTC 4616 Sport Communication Research and Analysis (3)
This course focuses on systematic analysis of sport communication contexts and events. Using communication models and research methodologies, students learn about a variety of communication that represent the breadth of the sport communication discipline and professional context. Prerequisite: 6 hours of SPTC coursework or permission of the instructor.
SPTC 4620 Senior Overview in Sports Communication (3-6)
Students will complete an intensive project related to their sports communication degree program. The project will reflect a combination of critical analysis and individual application of concepts within the project. The course will be completed under a mentorship of an approved sports communication instructor.
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