Course Descriptions |
Effective 1 June 2024 through 31 May 2025
Please see the Graduate Catalog Archives for PDF versions of past catalogs.
- ACCT聽- Accounting
- ADVT - Advertising
- AHP - Allied Health Professions
- ARHS - Art History
- ART - Art
- AUDI - Audio Production
- BIOL - Biology
- BUSN - Business
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CMAT - MAT Certification
- COMM - Communication Arts
- COSC - Computer Science
- COUN - Counseling
- CRIM - Criminal Justice
- CSAI - Artificial Intelligence
- CSDA - Computer Science Data Analytics
- CSIS - Computer Information Systems
- CSSS - Cybersecurity
- DMGT - Doctor of Management
- DNAP - Doctor of Nurse Anesthesia
- EDIN - Education and Innovation
- EDOC - Doctor of Education
- EDTC - Educational Technology
- EDUC - Education
- EFGS - Education for Global Sustainability
- ENMG - Environmental Management
- ENTR - Entrepreneurship
- EPSY - Educational Psychology
- FINC - Finance
- FTVP - Film, Television and Video Production
- GCON - Government Contracting
- GERN - Gerontology
- GSS - Graduate Success Studies
- HCED - Healthcare Education
- HCLD - Healthcare Leadership
- HEAL - Healthcare Management
- HLTH - Health
- HRDV - Human Resources Development
- HRMG - Human Resources Management
- HRTS - Human Rights
- HUMS - Human Services
- ILC - International Languages and Cultures
- INGO聽- International Nongovernmental Organizations
- INTB聽- International Business
- INTL聽- International Relations
- INTM - Interactive Digital Media
- ITM聽- Information Technology Management
- LEAD聽- Educational Leadership
- LEGL聽- Legal Studies
- MBA - Master of Business Administration
- MEDC -聽Media Communications
- MIGR - Migration, Climate Change and the Environment
- MNGT聽- Management
- MRKT聽- Marketing
- MTHC聽- Mathematics for Educators
- MUSC聽- Music
- NPLR聽- Nonprofit Leadership
- NPRO - New Media Production
- NTSC - National Security
- NURN聽- Nursing
- ORDV - Organizational Development
- PADM聽- Public Administration
- PATA聽- Patent Practice
- PBRL聽- Public Relations
- PHOT - Photography
- PHYS聽- Physics
- PROC聽- Procurement
- PSYC聽- Psychology
- READ聽- Reading Education
- SCML聽- Science Management and Leadership
- SECR聽- Security Management
- SPED聽- Special Education
- SPSM聽- Space Systems
- STCM - Strategic Communications
- SUMA - Sustainability Management
- TDEV - Talent Development and Training
- TESL聽- Teaching English as a Second Language
- WSBT - Walker School
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