Public Safety

Committed to Providing a Safe and Secure Environment

The Department of Public Safety is committed to providing a safe and secure environment by consistently seeking and finding ways to promote, preserve and deliver a systematic approach to security, safety and quality of service to the campus, the staff, faculty, students and visitors in our campus community.

Officers in the Department of Public Safety are licensed and receive annual training and background checks from the St. Louis County Police Department. As such, Officers may make a custodial arrest or prevent the escape of a person who has committed a criminal offense on property owned, leased or managed by 51С»Æ³µ.

The Department of Public Safety encourages all individuals to take a proactive approach in their personal safety. Be aware of surroundings and immediately report any concerns to Public Safety.

The office of Public Safety is staffed 24/7/365 and is located at 572 Garden Ave., at the entrance of the Garden Park Plaza.

Webster students, faculty and staff should sign up for Webster Alerts to receive important information regarding campus emergencies and closures.
To get started, visit , search for 51С»Æ³µ and enter your Webster email address.


314-246-6911 or Ext. 6911 from any campus phone

General Information Dispatch


Public Safety Contacts

David Heil

David Heil


Interim Director of Public Safety


Maggie Hooks

Maggie Hooks


Clery Compliance Officer


Faculty Name

Scott Young


Public Safety Supervisor


Our Campus Violence and Weapons Policy

We seek to provide for the safety of students faculty, staff and visitors and our buildings and property by eliminating or reducing threats of violence in our Webster learning, living and working environments. The University is committed to maintaining learning, living and working environments free from dangerous weapons, violence and/or threats of violence.

Sexual Misconduct Information and Resources

51С»Æ³µ is committed to maintaining a safe learning and working environment that provides the campus community with the appropriate process for reporting and redressing individual reports of sexual harassment. Please visit our Title IX page for more information.

Our Services

The Department of Public Safety patrols campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Patrols are provided by foot, bicycle and marked vehicles.

The Department of Public Safety operates a Campus Safe Walk Service on campus for any member of the University community who requires the accompaniment of an officer for safety reasons. An officer will respond on foot to accompany the individual to their destination on campus. This service is provided 24 hours a day.

During busy periods, callers may experience a delay in the arrival of the officer depending on the call volume and request for the service.

To request the service, call 314-968-7430. You may also use any of emergency call box telephones located throughout campus to request an safety escort.

Emergency call boxes located throughout the campus which are a direct line to the Public Safety Dispatcher. When activated, these call boxes immediately notify the dispatcher of the caller's location. Once a call box is activated, public safety officers are immediately dispatched to that location regardless if there is any communication or not. Call boxes are easily identified with illuminated blue lights.

The Department of Public Safety issues 51С»Æ³µ identification cards for students, faculty and staff. These cards are unique to every individual on campus. Webster identification cards grant current students after-hours access to the Emerson Library and other facilities on campus, grant campus residents access to their respective residence halls, and more. As the cards are used to access buildings, lost cards should be immediately reported to Public Safety. ID cards are free of charge, replacement cards are $20. Cards are issued 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. For questions regarding your access privileges, call 314-968-7430.

DO NOT punch a hole in the ID card for any purpose. Doing so will make the card not function and a replacement will be needed.

The Department of Public Safety maintains a Lost and Found comprised of items found all over campus. If you've lost something, go to the Public Safety Office at 572 Garden Ave. or call 314-968-7430.

  • Use of video monitoring throughout campus
  • Building access control
  • Response to and investigation of all reported criminal activity and behavior
  • Provide security at special campus events
  • Parking permit issuance and enforcement of parking regulations
  • Provide crime prevention educational materials and programs to students, faculty and staff
  • Train campus community in CPR and first aid
  • Manage Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Crime Prevention

51С»Æ³µ supports pro-active Crime Prevention to make our campus and living areas a safer place to learn, live and work. Additional tools we use are:

  • Emergency call boxes located throughout campus.
  • IP telephones throughout campus buildings.
  • 24-hour preventative patrol.
  • Burglar alarms in key areas.
  • Panic alarms in strategic locations.
  • Crime prevention material.
  • Campus Safe Walk Service available 24-hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
  • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring.
  • Card Access entry system on residential buildings and other locations throughout campus.

The University's crime prevention program is based upon the dual concept of minimizing criminal opportunities whenever possible and encouraging students and employees to take an active role in their own personal security and the security of others.

The Department of Public Safety in partnership with other community groups and organizations (Housing and Residential Life, Student Affairs, Student Government Association, etc.) is available to provide, distribute and participate in discussion groups to address topics such as crime/fire prevention, general or specific safety issues, drug and weapons free environment compliance, and general property or personal security concerns.

They will also utilize a number of strategies and activities specifically designated to educate the community regarding sexual assault issues and to promote awareness of rape, acquaintance rape and other sex offense prevention strategies. The strategies and activities referenced above may include the use of posters, flyers, brochures, videos, lectures and awareness days/weeks.

51С»Æ³µ maintains over forty buildings situated on about 47 acres at the Webster Groves campus. In addition, the University has many extended campuses located domestically and internationally. The issuance of keys, pass cards, access codes, Webster ID cards etc. is coordinated through the Department of Public Safety.

After hour access to offices, classrooms, studios, media center, visual arts studios, microcomputer resource center, practice rooms, etc. requires written approval by relevant faculty or staff. University issued identification is the standard for access.

Access to campus housing is restricted to residents, registered guests or properly authorized service personnel only. All guests and service personnel must be signed in and out at the Housing office located in the West Hall.

All who enter the residence halls during the hours of 6 p.m.–8 a.m. daily and all day on Saturday, Sunday and traditional holidays must produce a valid University identification card. Guests may be required to produce and/or leave a form of identification or deposit at the operations desk while in the residence halls to confirm their presence in case of an emergency.

Willful violations of these policies may lead to significant disciplinary action and/or prosecution for criminal and/or civil trespass. The Residential Life handbook provides additional details.

A high percentage of crimes on campus are crimes of opportunity. Often, members of the campus contribute to crimes of opportunity by needlessly placing themselves or their property at risk.

Prevention efforts can be effective in reducing opportunities for criminal activity. You play a key role in crime prevention efforts. Be cautious, careful, alert to your own safety and protective of your possessions and University property.

  1. Always lock your office, even when you are away for a few minutes.
  2. If you have valuables stored in your office, do not leave them overnight.
  3. Never leave purses or other valuable unattended. Take them with you or lock them in a secure cabinet.
  4. Keep your desk and files locked when you are away.
  5. Never store money in your desk drawers or file cabinets.
  6. Report all losses to the Department of Public Safety immediately.

The University endorses a reporting policy that strongly encourages victims to report all crimes that occur within the campus geography to the Department of Public Safety, regardless of their nature. Crimes that occur off campus should be reported to the law enforcement agency having proper jurisdiction. If you are a victim of a crime off campus and are unsure of the proper police department to contact; call the Department of Public Safety for assistance.

Members of the University are encouraged to immediately report any suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety. The prompt reporting of suspicious activity or persons can prevent crimes. If someone's actions are out of character and you become suspicious, call Public Safety to assess the situation. Do not hesitate to call!

A network of blue light emergency call boxes located in strategic locations throughout the campus, and internal IP phones exist to provide instantaneous 24-hour availability for communication with department personnel.

If you are the victim of a crime, observe criminal activity or observe suspicious activity, call the Department of Public Safety and relay as much information as possible.

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